Electronic Monitoring in Pretrial Release

Event Date:

April 24, 2025

Event Time:

11:30 am

Event Location:



The IPCSA Executive Board of Directors and the IPCSA Pretrial Committee are excited to announce this training opportunity to all Pretrial practitioners as a kickoff to the newly formed IPCSA Pretrial Training Track at spring and fall conferences.  This training is being offered to non-members at the same member rate of $25.00 per participant.  This is a one-time limited offer extended to non-members of the Association. 

Approved for COPE & CPTE credit

Thursday, April 24th, 2025

11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. CST

Featured Speakers: 

Christine Dozier, Chief of the United States Pretrial District of New Jersey (retired)

Kevin T. Wolff, Ph.D. John Jay College of Criminal Justice, New York, NY

Join us as we examine electronic monitoring (EM) as a condition of pretrial release and its role in evidence-based supervision.  We will explore current research finding and their implications on policy decisions while emphasizing the importance of aligning EM use individualized risk assessment and evaluating outcomes through rigorous methods.  Key benefits of EM use, such as enhancing public safety and reducing jail populations will be weighted against the challenges of net widening, financial burdens, and unintended punitive impacts on low-risk individuals.  We will also provide attendees with actionable policy recommendations and helpful resources followed by a Q&A to address challenges and reforms in EM policy and practice.


IPCSA Policy Regarding Virtual, COPE Approved Trainings

To receive training credit for virtual, COPE approved IPCSA sponsored trainings, each participant’s display name must contain their first name, last name and county of employment. 

In those rare occasions where individual display names are not possible due to lack of equipment or department resources, multiple participants may use a single computer; however, a supervisor/CMO/Director must email association1969@ipcsa.org at least 48 hours PRIOR to the start of the training to provide a list of those individuals who will be on camera.   The list shall contain the following information for each participant:

  • First and last name
  • Email address
  • County of Employment

On the day of the training, ALL participants *must* be visible on camera, have access to the microphone, and actively participate in the training.




Register Now:

Ticket type: Ticket Qty: Per Ticket Price:
Ticket Price

This price applies to members and non-members of the Association

448 Left:
Quantity: Total
Total Seats: 500 (448 Left:)
  • Virtual

Event Schedule Details

  • April 24, 2025 11:30 am   -   1:30 pm
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