IPCSA ROLL CALL: Presentation on Problem Solving Court

Event Date:

November 30, 2021

Event Time:

2:00 pm

Event Location:



Presenter: Erika Sanders is an Associate Judge from Marion County, Illinois, appointed in 2010. Sanders presides over the abuse and neglect, delinquency and truancy cases in Marion and Clinton Counties and leads the Student and Family Education Court, a truancy diversion project, based upon the drug court model, at the Centralia Junior High in Centralia, Illinois. She is a Problem-Solving Court judge in a multi-county court (Effingham, Clay, and Jasper) which includes a drug court, mental health court, and veterans court. She also presides over the drug court in Clinton County, Illinois. She serves as the chair of the Fourth Circuit’s Juvenile Justice Council which strives to bring trauma-informed practices to every discipline in each of the Circuit’s nine counties in the Fourth Judicial Circuit. Sanders was appointed by the Illinois Supreme Court to the Supreme Court Committee for Juvenile Court. After graduating from Southern Illinois University School of Law in 1998, Sanders became a staff attorney with Land of Lincoln Legal Aid and then an Assistant Public Defender in Marion County. She was also an assistant attorney general in the General Law Bureau, civil defense division, at the Illinois Attorney General’s Office in Springfield and worked there for three years before returning to Marion County to be the Lead Public Defender. Sanders lives in Centralia, Illinois, her hometown, with her husband, twins and many dogs. In additions to wrangling the twins, Sanders spends her free time as a board member of Centralia Connected, a mentoring program for kids in the Centralia area.

Program Description: Problem Solving Court Presentation.

Judge Sanders’ presentation will involve an overview of problem solving courts, to include the purpose and general protocols.  Given the vast body of research that serves guide the decisions of the problem solving court professional, a portion of the presentation will be dedicated to best practices and the science of behavior change and healing trauma.

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Event Schedule Details

  • November 30, 2021 2:00 pm   -   3:00 pm
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