Ask The Lobbyist December 3, 2021 at 9:00 a.m.
December 3, 2021
9:00 am
Topic: Reapportionment. John McCabe will discuss legislative reapportionment in Illinois, its State Constitution framework, and the Federal requirements on the reapportionment process. Also discussed will be the first ever reapportionment of the Illinois Judicial Districts and its potential impact. Take a look at the once-every ten years process that is the ultimate legislative “inside baseball” that there is.
John F. McCabe, Director of Governmental Relations
John McCabe has represented IPCSA for more than 30 years. He began is career in Springfield as a Staff Analyst with the House Democratic Staff. He then was hired by the City of Chicago as Director of its Springfield Office of Intergovernmental Affairs. Upon leaving the City of Chicago, he started his own lobbying business representing multiple clients. He has twice been awarded the Gene Hughes President’s Award and the IPCSA Legislative Service Award.
A native of Illinois, he grew up in Chicago but was born in Clinton, Illinois, surprising his parents on a family trip to Central Illinois. John attended the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, receiving a Bachelor of Science degree in Journalism. He also worked at the Champaign News Gazette as a reporter and photographer before moving to Springfield. He remains a fervent Chicago White Sox fan. He is married to Nancy Nash (a Chicago Cubs fan) and they have two adult children, Melissa and Jimmy.
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